What is mathematics?
Mathematics is the complete study of numbers. Also, it is the application of numbers to any and every situation possible. Math is a way of solving problems through quantifications, and classifying things symbolically and numerically. Math helps to understand everything around us, time, space, and everything in between.
How I learn mathematics best.
I learn math through two ways. First through understanding definitions. By understanding a definition to an equation or even a word, I have a greater idea of how something is to be understood or worked out. The second way is through example. By seeing similar problems, and how they are solved, I am able to understand the underlying concepts of similar types of problems.
How will my students learn math best?
My students will learn math best through example as well. This is true, because in each example, I will be sure that the definitions are understood. Also, by doing multiple examples, I can apply different situations to each problem, so that a great majority of the students that did not understand the first time, will see it in a different light and will be able to pick up on it.
What are some of the current practices in school mathematics classrooms that promote students' learning of mathematics?
I can think of a three main practices in math classrooms that are used to promote students' learning.
First, through independent study. In math classes I have been in, and in others that family members have been in, I have noticed a trend. Often times students are encouraged to read the material before hand or on their own in the classroom to see if sense can be made of concepts through that method.
The next practice I can think of is again, through example. In every class I have seen, teachers will spend a majority of the class doing example problems, to help clarify each of the different concepts.
The last way I can recall is through homework. Basically every math class involves homework. This gives students the opportunity to not only see practice problems, but to apply what they have learned and work on them by themselves.
What are some of the current practices in school mathematics classrooms that are detrimental to students' learning of mathematics?
One way that math is taught in classrooms that is detrimental to the students learning, is through pure lecture. If students are not given the opportunity to work out the problems with the teacher, a lot of them will not have the ability to work out a problem on their own.
Another way is by unclarity. An unprepared teacher can stand in front of a classroom and teach something completely off track, or much to advanced for the caliber of students he or she has in their classroom. By doing this, the wrong way, or the overly difficult way is implanted in a students mind, and they will refer back to this often times before thinking of the correct way to solve a problem.